At the beginning of this year, Nevcon Accounting changed the way we do our work processes to make it more efficient and informative to you, with the use of email messages and questionnaires depending on the type of service you receive or are seeking from us. Most of you have gone through these changes by completing your T1 personal tax returns and you probably noticed the process was very different from last year. It has also been implemented in all business areas of Nevcon.
One particular area of change was the transition of our back end portal from Sharefile to TaxDome. With TaxDome’s automation, it allowed us to efficiently move from using five different services to run the business to two. The ability to have automations happening within the questionnaires, with more or fewer questions being asked depending on the answer is a big improvement, along with uploading all the relevant documents at the same time as questions were answered.
Being able to use an app on your phone or tablet was functionality and convenience we have wanted to add for our clients for a few years. But the most important feature was being able to let you know where in the process your tax return was. Before you would only get an email message when the return was done, but now you get them along the way to keep you informed all through the process. More changes are still coming, like the back end for invoices, which will also make it easier for you, our clients. We’re also carefully considering more AI to craft our communication to assist in responding quickly to your questions.
During these changes, all your historical documents have been moved over to the new system. Please let us know if your area of the portal does not seem to have everything you expect.